I made my cookies about 4" diamiter and it doesn't hert to eat 1or 2 rees's to make sure there good enough for the cookies
30 minutes prep time, bake at 375-f for 10 minutes makes up to 48 cookies
I used 100 ,0/0 whole grain old fashion oat meal ,," I used macadamias and Reese's peanut butter Cup's in stead of peanuts" ,3/4 cup butter ,1 cup granulated sugar ,1/2 packed brown sugar,,,1 tsp baking powder ,1/2 teasspoon baking soda 2- eggs,1 teaspoon vanilla,1 -1/2 cup all purpose flower 2 cups roled oats 1 small rees's penut butter cup in the middle "covered " or " on top" thanks for looking